Rotation in XML Actor

So we have been brought in to work on a really old project which is using FaceFX(1.7.4) in UDK 3. This version of FaceFX does not have a way to export to FBX. It does however let you export to an XML Actor. Great! The plan is to write a parser to translate this information back in Maya to apply the animations to the base rig. I've got a good start to this but i cant seem to figure out how the rotation values get applied to the joints in maya.

Here is an example of the kinda data that im trying to parse:

0.781784 -2.375797 -0.000000 -0.543797 -0.000012 0.000107 -0.839217 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000

I assume the first 3 values are translate and the last 3 are scale and the middle 4 values are Quaternions for the rotation. When i try and apply these rotation values in Maya via a MFnTransform.setRotationQuaternion, the resulting rotation is incorrect. I assume the values stored in the XML don't exactly line up with the x, y, z, w order that Maya is expecting or the coordinate system are not the same.

The expected rotation for the joint should be:

-0.011, 0.005, -114.115

Any idea what course of action i should pursue?

Thanks in advance!

Your assumption about the data is correct. It is in the form:
pos.x pos.y pos.z quat.w quat.x quat.y quat.z scale.x scale.y scale.z

This data is in the bone's "parent" space.

Try negating the quat.w component, sometimes that is necessary.

But perhaps you can get around the problem a different way. Why not import the xml actor into the FaceFX Maya plugin, then import the pose or animations from there?

Finally, there are some differences between the XML format in UE3 and the current one. I don't think they will get in your way since you are getting data out, but just in case, take a look at this thread:


I was able to finally get this working.

For future reference i wrote this bit of code:

import math
import maya.api.OpenMaya as om
def QuaternionToEuler( w, x, y, z ):
quaternion = om.MQuaternion(x, y, z, -w)
euler = quaternion.asEulerRotation()
return map(math.degrees, euler)

I saw your reply only after I got this working... Anyways its all good now :)