Create Curves for Phrase and Punctuation events...

OK, this might be a strange question ..

I want to automatically create curves for any Punctuation, Phrase or Emoticon events, like it is done with sad, happy angry etc.

I can find the emoticons in the default analysis actor, but where do I find Punctuation events? How can I edit them? How can I automate creating a curve for any of those events?

Any help greatly appreciated!!

Documentation on emoticon events can be found here:

As you can see in the default analysis actor, the curves created by the sad emoticon :( are defined be the animation in the "EmoticonEvents" animation group with the animation name ":(". So the name of the animation dictates the emoticon that it will match. The "EmoticonEvents" animation group in an analysis actor is reserved for these emoticon animations.

The curves you add to your emoticon animation will be the curves that are added when the emoticon is in the text.

So just create an animation in the EmoticonEvents group that has an animation name comprised only of the emoticon punctuation characters: ~`@#$%^&*()-_=+;:'\


OK.. it works for emoticon events... but I still don'T know where I would edit the behavior of the PuntuationEvents. There is no PunctuationEvents group in the Analysis actors.
Is there some place where you can edit those?




Sorry for the late reply! I was needed elsewhere for some time!

So, when I open up the Default Analysis Actor, there is not PhraseEvents group in there! Am I doing something wrong?

No, the Default Analysis Actor doesn't use it. You will need to create the PhraseEvents Animation group and then create at least one PhraseEvent animation (with a name like: "," but without the quotes)


Ah! Now I understand - I guess! ;)
Thanks, I'll try it out later today!