FaceFX Studio 2015 - FBX Importer - relative paths for render asset

I am using FaceFX Studio 2015.1 and have successfully set up a FaceFX actor. However, this actor's FBX file and Batch Export Text file paths in the FBX Importer are shown as absolute paths. For version control purposes, I need these to be relative paths.

I have looked at the documentation regarding the .clientspec file and editted mine to be the desired root path. After restarting FaceFX Studio, I am unable to get the FBX Importer to actually refer to a relative path. I've tried simply removing the root from the path (prompts an FBX file does not exist error), re-browsing to try to allow the FBX importer to make the path relative for me, and trying to modify the path to point to the clientspec's root variable (similar to an environment variable).

Is there a way to make the FBX importer recognize relative paths and have my FaceFX asset point to a render asset that is version control friendly?



The FBX importer plugin displays the absolute path on your machine, but internally, the relative path from the clientspec root is stored. So if you have set up your clientspec correctly, it will work with source control.