Maya 2011 Blend Shapes do not work

I cannot get blend shapes to work in Maya 2011.

Could anybody please shed some light into the step by steps required.

If you have FaceFx Studio Professional, you will want to export Ogre content with File->Export all from Maya 2011. Then use FaceFX to save an empty .facefx file in the same folder as your Ogre .Mesh file with the same name. When you re-open the .facefx file, it will load the Ogre .MESH file and the morph target nodes will be imported for you. You should be able to drive the morphs on your character in FaceFX.

If you only have the FaceFX plugins, select FxMorphTargetNode from the Node Type dropdown list and hit Export All. That should create morph target nodes for all morph targets in the scene. Save the .facefx file.

Once you have morph target nodes, you need to drive them. To do that, you need to set up your mapping and face graph so the curves that are generated during analysis drive the morphs. You can do this step in FaceFX Studio Professional, or FaceFX Studio Free.

Finally, you can use the Maya FaceFX plugin to import the animation into Maya once you have done everything else.

Where are you having trouble?