Locked Version of Plugin after installing FaceFX Professional

my company recently purchased the FaceFX Studio Professional 2010,
and we are having a problem at the moment.

When we are trying to import new audiofiles into 3dsmax (*.oga etc..), we get a pop up like in the trial version:
Phrase Locked Version

A commercial license was not found for this software etc etc...

trying to apply the key onto the plugins in the license manager didn´t help.

I don´t think we need to purchase the Plugins seperately, as they´re listed in the studio professional version..


You shouldn't be analyzing audio in the plugin.

The plugins that analyze audio inside of max / maya / etc use a different analysis engine that only supports US English. As a Studio Professional customer you have much better analysis from inside of Studio Professional.

We don't give out keys to unlock analysis in the plugins to Studio Professional customers so that people don't use an inferior analysis system by mistake.

Create the animations in Studio Professional, save that .facefx file, then load up that .facefx file in the plugin and import the already created animation. The plugins that come with Studio Professional are the exact same plugins, just with the analysis inside the plugin itself disabled.