Textures not showing on character

I've uploaded an Evolver character into maya and exported him using the .MESH format and have used the 'exec -f prepareEvolver.py' command and successfully loaded my character with all blend-shapes into FaceFX Studio Pro. The problem is the character appears all white and I receive a warning stating "One or more of the normal map, specular and diffuse textures were not found in the .MESH folder. If you have these files, copy them to the output directory in order to get the content to display correctly." I have copied each of the color, normal, and specular textures into the directory created and still the character is appearing as white.

How do I fix this so that my character is properly textured within FaceFX.


Thanks for pointing this out. There is a bug in the prepareEvolver.py script. It only works correctly if your .MESH filename has the same base filename as the textures (i.e. myCharacter.MESH and myCharacter_color.jpg).

You have 2 options:
1) open the material file and correct where the incorrect .MESH filename has been inserted into the Material names

2) patch the prepareEvolver.py script, being careful to maintain the two spaces in front of the lines. Change lines 117 and 118 to the following:

newMaterialFileContents = re.sub("Evolver-FaceFX-Sample.MESH", actorFileNameBase + ".MESH", referenceMaterialFile.read())
newMaterialFileContents = re.sub("Evolver-FaceFX-Sample", diffuseTextureBaseName, newMaterialFileContents)

It is worthwhile noting that changing Ogre .MESH & .SKELETON filename will not work. The .MESH file references the .SKELETON file by name, and the materials names are hard-coded in the .MESH file.