Animation Generation

I am Manas working on facial animation.
I am facing problem on when i am going to do generate and import animation its not coming.
Could anybody tell me what problem is that.

Hi Manas,

Can you be a little more specific? When you say "import" the animation, do you mean importing it into Max, Maya, or XSI? Are you using FaceFX Studio or just the plugins? Is your character bones-based, or morph-based? Have you defined a reference pose and bone poses for your character if it is bones-based? Can you import the reference pose onto your character successfully from the plugins (otherwise there is a problem with the plugin's ability to set keys on your reference bones, perhaps because joint attributes are locked or being driven by something else). Do your target names match the names of targets in your mapping or the default mapping (remember names are case sensitive)?



Hi Doug,

Thanks for your response.I am working in MAX using FaceFX plugin.
Using bones on face exporting to reference bone and then Fxbonepose node.Its exporting the bones with batch export but the thing is that what phenoms or vowel i have to make so it will match perfectly?
Because now its working but not matching the audio correctly.



Hi Manas,

Did you create the correct bone poses for your character at each frame referenced in the batch export script you have?

The evaluation version of the plugin on our website is locked to a specific phrase. You need to give it audio that matches that phrase or it will not lipsync correctly. See the documentation for that here:

- Jamie

Thanks for all you guys to help and support me.
Now lip sync working fine but one more thing how can sync the upper area eyes and eye brows with head?

About language is Arabic language support?

Using only Max plugin


The plugins only support US English, but you would probably get good results if you use Arabic audio without any text. Studio Professional supports more languages with text and Arabic is one we'd like to add in the future. But the plugins will only support US English.

Can you explain what you want to do with eyes and eyebrows? If you want to have blinks and eyebrow raises you just need to create those poses and name them correctly (be careful with the names because names are case sensitive).

Hi doug,
Yeah i will only use the Audio for Arabic.Will it work without text?
For eyes like movement and blinking.


Yes, you can send in Arabic audio without text. It won't be 100% accurate but it will give reasonable results.

For the blinking and eyebrow raises you just need to create the targets that correspond to the curves the analysis actor generates for speech gestures.

From the Max plugin, the default gesture curves will look like this:
Head Pitch
Head Roll
Head Yaw
Eye Pitch
Eye Yaw
Eyebrow Raise

The FaceFX Sample content feeds these curves through a face graph. The "Head Pitch" curve will drive "Head_Pitch_Pos" and and "Head_Pitch_Neg" bone pose nodes so that bone pose nodes are not driven to negative values which can result in strange rotations.

If you use an analysis actor like this then the curves you get out will look like "Head_Pitch_Pos" and "Head_Pitch_Neg", so you just need to create those bone poses without any face graph setup.