FaceFX Support

FaceFX Documentation and support

Ogre Exporters

Note: Using the FBX ogre Exporter is the preferred way to bring content into FaceFX 2013 and later versions.

Table of Contents

  1. Note: Using the FBX ogre Exporter is the preferred way to bring content into FaceFX 2013 and later versions.
  2. Exporting Content Tutorial
  3. Common Issues
  4. Created Files
  5. 3DS Max Export Guidelines
  6. Maya Export Guidelines
  7. Logging Information
  8. Advanced Use
  9. License Info
  10. Using 3rd Party Ogre Exporters

Exporting Content Tutorial

  1. Install the exporters with the installer.
  2. Go to a frame that has the T-Pose (The current frame is the pose used for skinning)
  3. From Max or Maya:
    • From Maya, simply go to File->Export All, then select FxOgre Files (*.Mesh)
    • From Max, go to File->Export, and select Ogre (*.MESH)
  4. Export the .MESH and associated files. 
  5. Create a .facefx file with the same name as the .MESH file in the same directory. 
  6. Open the .facefx file in FaceFX Studio to get started.

Note: you can change the .MESH and .SCENE files that are associated with a particular .facefx file with the Actor->Change Render Asset option.  The render asset is the name of the .MESH or .SCENE file to look for without the file extension.  FaceFX will look for a .SCENE file first, and fall back on the .MESH file.  FaceFX Studio will look in the .facefx file directory, as well as the My Documents\FaceFX Studio 20XX\Ogre\Resources\Meshes and Scenes directories.

Common Issues

Created Files

3DS Max Export Guidelines

While not always required, the below steps are recommended:

Maya Export Guidelines

While not always required, the below steps are recommended:

Logging Information

Maya outputs log information to the output window.  The 3ds Max plugin attempts to write its log to the following location.  The folder must exist for the log to be written.

My Documents\FaceFX Plugins\Ogre Exporters\FxOgreMaxExporter_Log.txt

Advanced Use

Both the Max and Maya Ogre exporters can be used in conjunction with a script GUI for more advanced options:

Use of the GUI scripts are required to export skeleton animations for use as Ogre preview animations.  Follow these steps to export a full body animation for viewing in FaceFX Studio:

License Info

The Max and Maya exporters are both licensed under the LGPL.  The Maya Exporter is (C) 2006 by Francesco Giordana, and it was modified for use with FaceFX and ported to 3D Studio Max by OC3 Entertainment.  Source code to the exporters can be found in the FaceFX Tools Installation directory and is also available upon request.

Using 3rd Party Ogre Exporters

FaceFX uses standard Ogre files (only the .SCENE file described above is not natively used by OGRE), and use of 3rd party Ogre exporters is possible.  OgreMax is a good place to go for XSI exporters for example. The Ogre Artist and Content Creators Forum is the best place to learn more about the exporters available. 

Note:  There are lots of ways to create content, and we want to support as many of them as possible.  If your content doesn’t export well, please let us know about it.  Even if you find a good workaround, tell us about it and tell us the workaround, too.