Clientspec Configuration

When you first start FaceFX Studio, you might have noticed a warning message that said:

A default clientspec file has been created. Please check the warnings in the console for more information, and edit the default clientspec file. You must restart FaceFX Studio before changes to the clientspec file will take effect.

FaceFX Studio references audio by a relative path. If you're working by yourself, you probably don't need to edit the clientspec. However, if you're collaborating with a team and using source control, correctly setting up your clientspec allows you to easily share actors and animsets with your team with zero friction.

Open the clientspec file with any text editor from:

%USERPROFILE%\Documents\FaceFX Studio 2012\facefx.clientspec

The file has only one line, but it's important::

root=C:\Program Files (x86)\FaceFX\FaceFX Studio Professional\

Set the clientspec to the root of the source control system. For example, we have our sample actors and sample audio in a path like this:

    - \facefx
        - \facefx\Samples
            - \facefx\Samples\Audio
            - \facefx\Samples\Actors

I would set my clientspec root to the full path to the facefx directory on my system: C:\Users\John\SourceControl\facefx

All our development team points their clientspec roots to the top level of their source control system. This way we can each make changes to the actors and animation sets without having to browse for audio that was in another location on another user's system.

This is the third in a series of FaceFX tips that I'll be posting each Tuesday. Some of these tips will be information found in our documentation that I think might be a helpful reminder. Some will be very specific and may only apply to a few users. Have a question or comment about today's tip? Let me know on Twitter: @facialanimation